Honda Pioneer 1000 Tune Shootout!!!
With two tuners heavy in the marketplace for the Honda Pioneer 1000, we put them both to the test. In this video we use Dragy to test the tunes from the both Complete Off-road Powersports and Florida Cracker Tuning. After the numbers are ran and the results are gone over, I give my opinion on the two companies and their respective tunes.
Some notes about the machine and variables: The machine is a 2016 Honda Pioneer 1000-5 with an induction/cam kit from COPS. It also is paired with a K&N filter on the intake side. The exhaust is stock at the time of these runs. For the COPS tune, it is the trail tune and the FCT is the stage 4 tune. Both tuners worked specifically with me and the machine to tune with the intent to test against each other so they put their best foot forward on these tunes to keep it fair. For the gas, we ran 93 octane gas from Shell.
At the bottom of the video we have a screen shot of the white board, screen shots of the Dragy post-run information, and an Excel spreadsheet with the times to speeds comparing the two tuners. Even with slow motion, there may be a couple hundredths of a second that it is off, but we did our best to match the numbers as close as possible to the videos.
You can click the video below to watch. Below the video is a screenshot of the results white board along with the screen shots from the runs with Dragy. I hope you find this video entertaining and educational. If you have any feedback for us, please write your comments below.
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